Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Shannyn came up to me yesterday and told me that she wanted to get her ears pierced.

I got mine re-done (they had grown closed) back in June and she has been asking me for quite a while to get hers done. I would always tell her how they would do it and that it would hurt but if she still wanted to, I would take her to get them done. She would always change her mind and decide not to do them...until yesterday.

I talked to her again and told her what would happen and that it would hurt but only for a little while. She still wanted to go for it so I told her we would go after school. When I picked her up from school, I asked her again and also asked her to tell me what would happen. She told me that she knew it would hurt, but only for a while, and that she would be very brave. So off to the mall we went!

She was so calm and collected sitting in the chair waiting. She picked out a cute pair of little pink daisy earrings and waited while the girl got everything ready. Then the first one was pierced. That's when things got a little loud and very sad. She started crying and I wanted to cry too. But she held still and let the girl pierce the other ear too. After just a couple minutes of crying Shannyn calmed right down when she saw herself in the mirror. Of course the ice cream we got afterward helped too! She was so excited to call both sets of grandparents and to show them off today at school. I guess this is just one more thing that proves that my little girl is growing up and time is barreling forward!

Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm Done, I'm Done, I'm Done!!!


The academic part of my massage therapy training is over. I graduated on Saturday in a short and sweet ceremony! I still have about 115 clinical hours to do but am hoping to get them finished up by the end of March at the latest.

In other news.....Balanced Touch LLC is organized and ready to start accepting new soon as my hours are finished. I have my business accounts all set up and ordered my table, chair and other supplies yesterday. A big THANK YOU to all of my friends and family out there that contributed!!!! I really appreciate all the love and support I received through this past year. I am so excited to be finishing up and ready to do something that I love to do. You are all the best friends and family a girl could ask for!