Tuesday, August 26, 2008

School Days

Shannyn started kindergarten last week! I can't believe she's already that old. It seems like just yesterday she was crawling around the floor and learning to talk. She loves going to school and loves her teacher. I'm so glad that she is enjoying it and I hope she always does. She's not too keen on doing her homework but who really does like homework anyway? She is doing great though and was actually sounding out a few short words with me yesterday. It won't be long before she'll be reading the bedtime stories to me! I hope she grows to love reading like her daddy did. Bryan was never seen without a book and would get antsy if he finished a book and didn't have another one to read. I think Shannyn will be like Bryan though. She has always liked to "read" books and lately has started making up her own stories to go along with the pictures in some of the books we have at home.

I did really well last week with getting Shannyn to school. I really didn't get too sad until Thursday when I didn't walk her to the playground. It was so hard for me to watch her walk into the school while I stood by the car. I had a huge moral dilemma going on inside my head! I felt like I was a slacker of a mom because I didn't hold her hand and walk to the playground with her. On the other hand, I was trying to let her go on her own a little bit. It was so tough and it still is, but with me back in school this week, I can't walk her into class and be on time to my classes too. Arggghhh!!! All you out there who don't have kids yet, or kids that aren't in school yet, have no idea of the mental struggle I am having over my "baby" girl!!!!! It's so hard to realize that they are going to grow up and be adults (sooner than I think) and there is nothing I can do to stop it or even slow it down. I only hope and pray that I can prepare them for life and to be responsible, caring, and strong....among other things.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Estes Park

I meant to post this before now but with finals for 2nd quarter last week, I just plain ran out of time. My mom and dad took the three of us to Estes Park last weekend. for some fresh mountain air. We spent three days admiring Estes and all the tourists....well not really admiring the tourists but you know what I mean. The town was pretty full.

We drove to the top of Rocky Mountain National Park on Friday and saw some gorgeous bull elk. They were just munching away on the grass and not minding all the cars that had literally stopped on the highway to see them. It was pretty amazing. I've never seen elk that close before! Not ones that were alive anyway! Later Friday afternoon, my dad and I took the kids mini-golfing. They had never been before and we had so much fun! Leo got a hole-in-one at every hole....of course his idea of golfing was to pick up the ball and drop it in the hole at the other end....and Shannyn was getting the hang of it towards the end of the day. Actually, I don't know who was having more fun; the kids or my dad.

Saturday we took the aerial tramway to the top of a mountain...Prospect mountain I think. The views from up there were stunning. The kids had a ball feeding peanuts to the ground squirrels and climbing rocks. Some of those squirrels were so fat and their cheeks were full of nuts too. That didn't stop them though. They kept coming back for more! It rained Saturday afternoon and I caught this picture of a brilliant rainbow near our campground. The picture really doesn't do it justice.

All in all, it was a fun trip. We were only about an hour away from home, but it was still nice to get out of town for a few days.

All I Want for Labor Day?

Is my 2 front teeth!! Shannyn lost her two bottom teeth and the tooth fairy was very generous. She was so excited the next morning when she looked under her pillow and found a whole dollar in the baggie where her tooth was. I am expecting more loose teeth to follow over the next few months. We'll keep you posted!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I've got the best friends

Leo and I went to Marcy and James' house last night for a get together with some friends from New Mexico that we haven't seen in quite a while. Shannyn is camping with my mom and dad in case you were wondering. Anyway Marcy spilled the beans and told me that the group of them were going to buy me a massage table for my graduation gift! I am so excited and feel so lucky to have such fantastic friends! Marcy told me to start looking at tables and figure out which one I want. I can't wait!!!!!!!!