Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bike rides and awesome clients

Oops! It's been a while! Sorry 'bout that!

Things have been pretty hectic around here lately. I'm finishing up school and am graduating on the 31st (yeah!), Shannyn is back in kindergarten and Leo is......well being Leo.

The weather was finally nice enough last weekend to take the kids out to the park and try out their new bikes they got for Christmas. That was quite the adventure. Neither one has ever really ridden a bike before and I knew this was going to be tricky when they got tangled up just walking their bikes down the driveway. But we finally got to the park (with some whining and fussing) and the lessons began. Leo wasn't really interested once we got to the park; he wanted to go play on the slides. Shannyn was really starting to get the hang of it when she went down and bashed the handlebar into her ribs. She was okay after some well deserved tears and loves from mom but was done riding for a while.

While we were at the park, a couple of little girls arrived in their Barbie Jeep power wheel car. Leo was so enthralled with it and he was just following the girls around in their car, running down the hill after them and pushing them back up, that I couldn't resist taking a picture of my little man. The girls were so sweet and they let him have a turn driving too. I didn't think we were ever going to be able to leave but the thing started running low on power and the girls had to go home.

I think the kids had a great time riding and they haven't stopped bugging me to go back to the park since Saturday. Hopefully the sun will be out this weekend too. I guess I need to get Bryan's bike fixed up so I can join them on their excursions!

And now for something completely different..........................(ha ha Monty Python reference)

I have been having a great time in the clinic the past few days. I have one regular client that comes in to see me about every other week and I've had four other clients request me for future appointments since last Thursday. It makes me feel really great that these people want to come back and see me! They've had nothing but praise for me and are disappointed when we can't make our schedules match up. One client today told me that I was done being a student and ready to get out of school. How cool is that?! My confidence is at a pretty high level today and I am so excited to get out of school and start into my own practice! Hopefully I'll be done with my hours by the end of March. I can't wait!!!!!!!

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